To say that life has  many twist and turns is an understatement.  I'm sure when each of us is little and dreams up what life will hold it is much different than we thought it would be.  One of the things I left out was suffering.  When you dream, it's all a wonderful, beautiful story full of exciting adventures.  I never added the twists and turns of divorce, death, heartache, loss and suffering.  I'm sure your dreams were the same way. Through two wise friends, my Bible and prayer... God is changing how I see life.  I am tired of expecting one thing and ending up with another only to be disappointed.  I am human and God sees things so much differently than I do.  I need to accept people and situations as they come and know I can face it all because of God's grace.  I am so thankful that He is faithful to me.  I cannot imagine where I'd be right now if it wasn't for God's hand in my life.  Though I struggle to give it all to Him and to totally surrender each detail, I must.  It hurts!  I feel like someone is pulling teeth!  When I was at the lowest spot I'd ever been a friend was honest with me.  She was a wake up call.  I thank God for using her and for helping me to listen! I am reading a wonderful book called, "Depression: A Stubborn Darkness".  I would highly recommend it to anyone who has had times of depression touch their life or someone that they love.  Here is a simple quote that I badly needed to hear.

"Suffering is part of the path that leads to glory and beauty."

For me, this made all I've been going through ok.  I know that God will make all the broken dreams, hurt and  difficult circumstances into works of beauty.  He will use them to refine who I am, who my family is.  It hurts.  It is not comfortable to face pain but, His comfort is there to soothe.

Psalms 126:6

"He who goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheeves with him."

I don't have any shouts of joy yet but, I know a day will come when you'll be able to hear me from miles away!   I hope some part of this is comforting to you.  I know I'll explain more one day soon but, for now, know the path is filled with hope.  Your path is filled with hope if God your Savior.

What verse or thoughts do you cling to when you are hurting?

About Jennifer

Hello there! I’m Jennifer and Welcome to my website – A Home with Purpose. My passion is sharing Christ’s Love and recipes with my Trim Healthy Mama friends. Learn more about me here...

5 Responses to “The Path”

  1. Danielle

    It boils down to surrendering it ALL to God. With that He provides the grace to trust Him. Trusting that He is who He says He is in the Bible. God has taught me more of who He is through the word “sovereignty”. My prayer for you, for me, is ALL OF HIM and NONE OF US. Oh that we would desires His good and perfect will, accepting the good and the challenging with an open hand, praises flowing from our lips, of the mercy and compassion of our great God! I love you dear sister!

  2. Michele

    You are right on. I have come to realize over the years that God is 100% perfect. Everything that comes into our lives passes through His hand and He has allowed each detail in our lives for a purpose. That is not to say that He CAUSES the bad and the pain, but He does ALLOW them. Keep in mind that if God is 100% perfect then what He allows into our lives is 100% perfect to accomplish the work that He has promised to complete in us! Only He knows the depths of our hearts and what it will take to make up into mirror images of Him. He loves us 100% perfectly and it is out of this 100% perfect love that He allows that which may hurt us, as it is through trials that we grow! Think about it…do you look to change and grow when you are comfortable? No. We look to change when we are uncomfortable!! He is close to the brokenhearted!…Why? Because it is when we are broken that we call out to HIM! We tend not to do that so desprately when we don’t need anything!
    Keep seeking and growing! Blessings!

  3. Brittany

    I have been through very difficult circumstances in my life that I still have failed to find the good works of and can only see the evil of and They still hurt till this day.. and still wonder what the plan is? :o)

    I was given a book from a freind and that book was all about Gods grace and I learned a lot from the book it was called “Destined to Reign” by Joseph Prince.. A very good book and I recommend..

    Oh a Verse I love is Psalm 43:5

    Your Friend Michele gives some very wise adivce.. :o)

  4. Kendra

    I hope I have an opportunity to share with you the digital messages from Passion. Almost all of them had that recurring theme, purpose for suffering, bringing God glory, equipping (through struggles) and on and on. Praying for you, friend!

  5. alece

    mmmm… that book sounds really good.

    when i’m deeply hurting, the thoughts i’m most usually clinging to are the unhealthy ones. the ones i know, when i can step back and gain perspective, are really lies. it takes so much intentionality for me to cling to God’s truth in those moments when life caves in on me. and it usually takes me longer to get to that place of intentionality than it probably should.

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