The song, "Love is not a Fight" is very personal to me.  We listened to it last night on our way home in the van.  I cried, held Shan's hand and just thanked God for His forgiveness and love.  Marriage isn't easy.  I believe it's one of the main if not The Main relationship God uses in our sanctification process.  If someone told me they had a perfect marriage I might laugh!  When two HUMAN, wretched people get just can't be a perfect relationship.

Today, I praise God that He put angels to guard the doors of our home.  I thank Him profusely for changing my heart.  I praise Him for forgiveness and grace.  I am no perfect wife, but God is working in me to make me more like Him!

Girls, we are selfish by  nature!  We want, we "need"...why pout and cry to get our way.  I was the queen of the quiet treatment.  I had perfected it!  I have in no way "arrived" and become the best wife in Ohio!  I am, however trying to work at it daily.  I fail miserably half of the time but, it's a work in progress.  God, forgive us for our selfish hearts!  I know I'm not alone.  You've been there or are there.  Let me encourage you that you aren't alone and that God is there.  Pray and see where you are falling short in your marriage.  This is NOT about changing your husband, it's about changing YOU...Me.  Only God can changed a wretched, sinful heart.  He promises that in His time you will be a thing of beauty.

We will never be sinless or perfect until that day we reach glorification, our heavenly home.  We must, must continue to grow and long to be more like Christ Jesus.  He must read His word and apply it.  Beg for forgiveness and know that He always forgives if we ask.

My husband is so worth fighting for. He is worth laying down my selfish pride and wants.  When I said, "I do", I meant it to be forever!  Please, fight for your man!  Ask God to change your heart, to heal your wounds, to bring a new passion for your mate.  Go to your spouse, ask them for forgiveness as well.  Confess to them how you have been sinful.  I know it's hard but, it will be a turning point in your marriage that you can look back at and smile.

Love is not a Fight

by Warren Barfield


Love is not a place to come and go as we please It's a house we enter in then commit to never leave

So lock the door behind you Throw away the key Work it out together Let it bring us to our knees

Love is a shelter in a raging storm Love is peace in the middle of a war And if we try to leave; May God send angels to guard the door No, Love is not a fight but its something worth fighting for

To some love is a word that they can fall into. But when they're falling out keeping that word is hard to do

Love is a shelter in a raging storm Love is peace in the middle of a war And if we try to leave; May God send angels to guard the door No, Love is not a fight but its something worth fighting for

Love will come to save us If we'll only call He will ask nothing from us but demand we give our all

Love is a shelter in a raging storm Love is peace in the middle of a war And if we try to leave; May God send angels to guard the door No, Love is not a fight but its something worth fighting for.

Cause I Will Fight For You Would You Fight For Me It's Worth Fighting For.


A website that has truly changed my life and walk with the Lord is:

True Woman

You can find many great articles, blogs and links there to help you become a woman that is truly following after Christ in all areas of life!

About Jennifer

Hello there! I’m Jennifer and Welcome to my website – A Home with Purpose. My passion is sharing Christ’s Love and recipes with my Trim Healthy Mama friends. Learn more about me here...

5 Responses to “Marriage is Worth the Fight!”

  1. Tammy

    Thank you for sharing your heart! You certainly are not alone. But PRAISE GOD for HIS progressive Sanctifing work in and through us. LOVE YOU MUCH! HUGS!!!!

  2. beccajanern

    Amen, sister! Our marriages our worth it. I think this is one area where Satan knows he can get a foothold and he goes after it hard. In the past few weeks, I have had several friends come to me and tell their marriage was “over”. I pray and pray for them and encourage them to stick it out. God will use the valleys in our marriages for His glory on the mountaintop!

  3. Amelia

    You’re a beautiful wife inside and out and Shan is so blessed to have you by his side. I too have made my share of many mistakes. It’s amazing to watch God work miracles in our lives and work through our mistakes to make us stronger.

  4. Kristi Gullett

    “Queen of silent treatments” . . . no that was me . . . but the Lord is redeeming me and they are getting fewer and fewer. Working to rise above my wretchedness and allow HIS SPIRIT to Sanctify this mess of a person. So thankful for HIS Spirit.

    Fighting for marriage is always worth the battle – thanks for this beautiful reminder to keep entering into it . . . desiring to glorify HIM in the battle no matter what the war wounds look like. They are all worth it!!!

    Loved your wedding picture 🙂 – so sweet!!!

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